Chakras are seven, invisible, centers of flowing energy located from the bottom of the spine (first chakra) to the top of the head (seventh chakra).  In Ayurveda (an ancient, Indian method of holistic healing), this energy is known as Prana and is our life force.  Each chakra corresponds to aspects of our emotional, spiritual and mental health.  It is important to keep Prana freely flowing in order to keep overall health in balance.  Any stagnation can result in physical/emotional/psychological ‘dis-ease.’

The following descriptions of the seven chakras are adapted from The Chopra Center:

First Chakra: This chakra is known as ‘Muladhara’ and it is responsible for feelings of safety, stability and security.

Second Chakra: This chakra is known as ‘Svadhisthana’ and it is responsible for creativity and serves as our sexual center.

Third Chakra: This chakra is known as ‘Manipura’ and is credited as being the source of our personal power.

Fourth Chakra: This chakra is known as ‘Anahata’ and is affectionately referred to as the heart chakra.  It is the source of our love and feelings of connection.

Fifth Chakra: This chakra is known as ‘Vishuddha’ and is enables us to speak our own truth.  This chakra is the source of our verbal expression.

Sixth Chakra: This chakra is known as ‘Ajna’ and is sometimes called our ‘third eye’.  This chakra is the source of our intuition.

Seventh ChakraThis chakra is knowns as ‘Sahaswara’ and it is responsible for our spiritual connection and enlightenment.